Archie's Antics Conversations with Carter Mama Journal Parenting

Brotherly Love

Archie has been perturbed by any parental intervention with his plans, whether they include pelting Carter with toys, or climbing up the TV. As a result, the other morning, he decided he wanted to live without interference.

Archie: I want a new house.

Me: You’re really mad. You’d like a different house.

Archie: No, I want this house, but not you, and not Daddy.

Me: So you want to live here, but you want me and Daddy gone. No parents.

Archie: (firm in his resolve) Yes.

Me: Do you want new parents?

Archie: No.

Me: Who will make you lunch and stuff like that?

Archie: Carter will be my grown-up.

Later, I relayed this conversation to Carter, in case they were going to go all Boxcar kids on us. His response?

Carter: Well, Archie, I hope you like cereal and cheese, cause that’s all I know how to make.