BlogSchmog Conversations with Carter Creative Corner

Ode to Jabberwocky

Carter memorized Lewis Carroll’s Jabberwocky this week, and then wrote a tribute:

Carter memorized Lewis Carroll’s Jabberwocky this week, and then wrote a tribute:

On crunce uplonta lime,
The mubs where flowfing so dabime.
The hunklehorns where crunkling,
crute the chithe, the gumps the flyme.

Oh, Flump, oh gzump, the frupulos dariogi,
The knulll carrot garby’s Ghadagee gahzee!
The trapolite crumb, hath gone
and the capapa did dodlada jee!

And he played his trump, he won the jump,
he googled, so filled up with Zee!
He gabbet, he gump, oh he sat ‘pon a stump,
and chabbled away all his dee!

Oh, do keep your eyes open, my lubulous pal,
on came the great pariogi!
Oh, chip chip chap! Chad chacholy chal!
Oh, he killed, he slayed its tee!
Oh, now time no one worries! We frumble in our zee.
We have nothing to fear from the dadasasear
Frupulos pariogi!