
The Return of the Return

I noticed today that the Andy Kaufman Returns blog returned this summer after a four-year hiatus. The blog started in honor of the 20th anniversary of the great comedian’s death, which—contrary to the hopes of his fans—managed to stick. While the lightning is likely out of the bottle, the recent posts are an opportunity to speculate on the materials Andy Kaufman might have had at his disposal in the Web 2.0 generation.

Andy goofin’ on Elvis

It is difficult to pin a label on Kaufman. He did standup like normal comedians and achieved some mainstream love for a memorable stint on a popular television show. His appearances on talk and variety shows, however, often blurred the lines between bizarre act and performance art, extending the schtick after the 60 minutes minus commercials had concluded.

Kaufman took the conventions of the day and twisted them, pushing boundaries that not everyone few understood. I can only imagine what fun he would have in a world with Fake Steve Jobs, lonelygirl15, and Gotham City Pizzeria. Groups like Improv Everywhere probably owe their roots to his fight with Jerry Lawler.

Andy is a contestant on the Dating Game

This is for you, Andy Kaufman.