BlogSchmog Creative Corner

Evil Spock is Coming to Town

Evil Spock asked me to guest blog for the holiday season, so I told my story of holiday disillusionment and lost innocence. Because my chosen persona — Ensign Redshirt — actually had some history on his site that didn’t match my backstory, some respectful editing ensued. Alas, my logic for selecting ER was that, in the mirror universe, anyone wearing a red shirt has a long and quiet life. With retirement benefits. To keep the time-continuum intact, Evil Spock had to bump me off on any future away missions.


But thanks to the Vulcan for the opportunity to reminisce in third person.

By Kevin Makice

A Ph.D student in informatics at Indiana University, Kevin is rich in spirit. He wrestles and reads with his kids, does a hilarious Christian Slater imitation and lights up his wife's days. He thinks deeply about many things, including but not limited to basketball, politics, microblogging, parenting, online communities, complex systems and design theory. He didn't, however, think up this profile.

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