BlogSchmog In the News


Guess what I won? Last month, Dandelife—a great young community about personal narrative—had a contest to produce a testimonial about the site. The hard drive crash I had in February delayed my participation until the 11th hour, but I posted one in time and won my first iPod.

my new iPod

Guess what I won?

Last month, Dandelife—a great young community about personal narrative ()—had a contest to produce a testimonial about the site. The hard drive crash I had in February delayed my participation until the 11th hour, but I posted one in time. I’ve never won a Web 2.0 kind of content contest before (although I did get a t-shirt for this), and I’ve never had an iPod before. It was also a heartfelt journal entry, so winning all around.

The irony, as I listen to “Jesus’ Brother Bob” by the Arrogant Worms, is that I just finished a paper with Eli Blevis and some grad students on sustainable design … in part condemning Apple’s business model of disposable fashion. My new gadget (a) is red and (b) has a little engraving: “Thrive.,” which will make me extra sad when this little thing eventually wears down and has to be replaced. I say replaced, because I have missed having pervasive music around and can’t imaging doing without again.

Best perk about the iPod today: I like hearing Eric Clapton and Rachel Ferrell doing a musical play-by-play than all those inane basketball announcers.


By Kevin Makice

A Ph.D student in informatics at Indiana University, Kevin is rich in spirit. He wrestles and reads with his kids, does a hilarious Christian Slater imitation and lights up his wife's days. He thinks deeply about many things, including but not limited to basketball, politics, microblogging, parenting, online communities, complex systems and design theory. He didn't, however, think up this profile.

3 replies on “Thrive.”

I had a scare today. New to the coordination to attach my ears to my pocket (where I keep the iPod while walking), I fumbled a bit in getting off the bus. I managed to drag my backpack across the earphone cord and pulled everything to the ground. My young little device now has a tiny ding in the corner and threatened not to let me hear anything again, but I talked it down from the ledge.

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