Archie's Antics BlogSchmog Conversations with Carter Mama Journal

It’s harder than you think.

Carter and Archie are outside in the rain, pretending to be castaways. Despite my recent spat of LOST/high school reunion nightmares, I decided to join them. I found them sitting on the carpet I was attempting to use to kill the damn Rose of Sharon that has invaded our yard. Carter had a rubbermaid container lid over his head, while Archie was complaining about his measly welcome mat sans cover. I offered to help.

Carter: I’m trying to tell him you’ll help because you’re a mom, and mom’s are smart. It’s part of being a mom. He doesn’t believe me though.

Archie: I don’t. (watches as I balance a sled in the branches of the Rose of Sharon, providing about one square foot of shelter from the rain) Hey. I do! Mamas are smart!

Carter: Yeah. All moms are smart. Not all dads though, because some are clowns and join the circus. Then they aren’t that smart. Our dad is both. We’re lucky.

Archie: I like having our dad.

Carter: Yeah. He’s smart and he’s silly. He’s both.

Then later:

Carter: Pretend you’re someone else. Then tell me what you do as a castaway. What do you see on an island? Are you alone here?

Me: Well, sometimes I hear this strange whispering sound, but I can’t ever see who is whispering.

Carter: Ohh. (wide eyes) That’s scary.

Me: And I think there’s a polar bear.

Carter: That’s just silly. There’s no polar bears on the tropical island. What do you do all day here?

Me: I move mulch. It’s my mission. It’s my purpose. Ever since being stranded on this island, I’ve felt like I have some kind of higher purpose, you know? Like the island is talking to me, and it’s talking about mulch. Somehow, by moving mulch, from point A to point B, I’m saving the world. How about you?

Carter: Huh. We have a destiny too. We have a destiny to stay alive. To not die.

Me: Really? Just stay alive?

Carter: It’s harder than you think.

By Amy Makice

Amy Makice is a social worker actively working on two other family-centered projects, Creative Family Resources and Parenting for Humanity. Amy has a weekly online show on BlogTalkRadio.

3 replies on “It’s harder than you think.”

Well, I can see how surviving would be hard what with a fellow castaway bent on deforesting the island and all 😉

Also? I remember having moments in grad school where joining the circus seemed like a reasonable move. Carter is very perceptive 🙂

Did you ever get the Rose of Sharon problem solved? If so, tell me. We’ve got a ton of the stuff here. Ugh.

No. Rose of Sharon is now my nemesis. Last year I sprinkled salt all over it, which apparently worked on LOST, but not on my Rose of Sharon. This year, it’s old carpeting, next. . . . arson.

I cut it all down at the start of this spring- we had a clear backyard- and by this week, when we tackled it again, we had a forest.

Can’t wait to see you guys!!

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