BlogSchmog Mama Journal Parenting

Fun Week

I still can’t gather my thoughts- searching for something deep and meaningful to capture last week- so I guess I’ll rely on pictures to do the job for me, at least temporarily. Last week we got to introduce our kids to each other- either for the first time, or getting reacquainted.

Henry looks at Hans
“Hey dude, when did you get so fat and happy?”

I still can’t gather my thoughts- searching for something deep and meaningful to capture last week- so I guess I’ll rely on pictures to do the job for me, at least temporarily.

Last week we got to introduce our kids to each other- either for the first time, or getting reacquainted.

Henry looks at Hans
“Hey dude, when did you get so fat and happy?”
Henry, I’m told, stared at Hans much like this for the afternoon.

Archie and Ellie

Archie followed Ellie pretty much anywhere she went. They played in our high school halls, under the tables, all over.

Carter rides the tube
Carter got to try new adventures, including riding the tube. I’m told Hans’ kids stood up on the tube, among other athletic feats. Carter, Archie and I were content to grip tightly and try to act relaxed about it.

sophia and ellie on tube
Sophia and Ellie rode on the tube too- Ellie actually got her head up and looked around. The pictures of Archie riding are mostly of my arm and his head hidden underneath, thus not making the blog cut.

Humans weren’t the only ones having adventures:
Lucy in the water
Lucy got to go for a swim with assistance from AJ and a life vest.

After the week’s festivities we dressed up and went to the reunion- here we are, all cleaned up:
reunion crowd
From left to right (adults): AJ, Sophia, Kevin, Bonnie, Hans, Me, Aysin, Jeff, Laura (Laura of the buffalo song).

By Amy Makice

Amy Makice is a social worker actively working on two other family-centered projects, Creative Family Resources and Parenting for Humanity. Amy has a weekly online show on BlogTalkRadio.

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