Archie's Antics Mama Journal Parenting

Anyone like sex?

Archie still has trouble making blended consonant sounds, but he’s developing excellent gesturing skills to make his point when the sounds don’t. The trick is, to ask him to gesture before jumping to conclusions.

Yesterday, as we were frantically trying to get all the boys out of the house before my work started, he was following me through the hallway holding one of the 18,000 children’s catalogues we’ve received in anticipation of Christmas.

Archie: Anyone like sex?

Me: Sweetie, you have got to wear pants.

Archie: Anyone in this house like sex?

Me: What? Archie? You have got to get dressed.

Archie: Does anyone in this house like sex?

Me: (mentally flipping through my answer box while stalling) What? Do we like what?

Archie: (waving the catalogue) DOES ANYONE IN THIS HOUSE LIKE SEX?

Me: (getting concerned about the neighbors now) Archie, I’m not sure what you mean.

Archie: (holds up the catalogue, pointing to a picture) Does anyone in this house like sex?


Archie still has trouble making blended consonant sounds, but he’s developing excellent gesturing skills to make his point when the sounds don’t. The trick is, to ask him to gesture before jumping to conclusions.

By Amy Makice

Amy Makice is a social worker actively working on two other family-centered projects, Creative Family Resources and Parenting for Humanity. Amy has a weekly online show on BlogTalkRadio.

1 reply on “Anyone like sex?”

Oh my gosh. I just peed my pants laughing so hard. I thought I was the only mom who had to make sure to translate & check gestures or get a context reference before I answered questions from my 6 year old. Wow.

Of course, I probably would have just answered, “Sure!” before checking….

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