
Zach Legend talks about video blogging

Live blogging from the first BlogIN conference in Indianapolis. This session features the Colts Zach Legend talking about how to create internet videos.

Live blogging the BlogIN sessions at IUPUI’s School of Informatics, this one on video blogging

Zach Legend
* ISU grad – took name from “Larry Legend”
* didn’t like to write, but found YouTube was a great outlet for expression
* got a contract doing videos for the Colts
* keep it 2-3 minutes (“get it done”) – short, for viewers (“how short can you make a video”)

Capture sounds and images:
* Tech is great: small digital camera w/ mic – no lights, higher tech (“I don’t even know what an audio feed is”)

Get is off the camera:
* connect device (typically with USB)
* copy file to hard drive, into separate video
* import into a video editor (Windows Movie Maker, iMovie, etc)
* edit stuff – lots more footage than what is used
* save movie file to HD (Windows = .wmv)

Publish it:
* YouTube allows 100 MB max
* “The internet is a whole new beast.” – trying to capture things and get it out faster and faster
* get account, log in
* “Upload” link – title, description, select video category
* Tags are important
* browse to video movie file – click upload, “and go have a drink” (it can take a while)
* embed code, so you can blog it (but it may take a while longer until it is available)

* looking for more opportunities, expand away from Colts (only 20-week seasons)
* “worked my tail off” to get to a point where I can ask for money
* a wedding video takes about 20 hours
* look for product placement – “It’s a new medium, trying to get money out of these things”
* Can edit tags – sometimes, change tags to people in the news (“sure, you make some people mad, but what do you have to lose, it’s just YouTube”, “try to keep hot”)
* you can turn off comments – “YouTube are mean people” (go to their page, and they don’t have a single video)
* You’ve got to have a thick skin – “you made it, it is your expression”
* video is under my control – if I stutter, trip, etc you’ll never see it on the video

* “At Notre Dame, I twice caught ticket takers not saying ‘Welcome to Notre Dame'” – head usher saw it and apologized, got to go through the tunnel and into stadium – usher had been using Zach’s videos for the last two years as a training video (“Notre Dame Blue Gold 2008“)

By Kevin Makice

A Ph.D student in informatics at Indiana University, Kevin is rich in spirit. He wrestles and reads with his kids, does a hilarious Christian Slater imitation and lights up his wife's days. He thinks deeply about many things, including but not limited to basketball, politics, microblogging, parenting, online communities, complex systems and design theory. He didn't, however, think up this profile.

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