BlogSchmog Papa Journal


Like all good broke technologists, the boys and I used the resources at our disposal to plot, shoot and edit a Happy Mother’s Day video for all of the mothers in our life (in particular, the one supermomma taking care of our home and hearth).

Like all good broke technologists, the boys and I used the resources at our disposal to plot, shoot and edit a Happy Mother’s Day video for all of the mothers in our life (in particular, the one supermomma taking care of our home and hearth).

Happy Mother’s Day (from the boys)

Supermomma vs. the Grumpster” is the outcome of a brainstorming session with Carter in which we tried to think of all of the things Mom does for us and how we would feel if she weren’t around. Being partial to the superhero genre, we made Mom into the super person she is and gave her an adversary, the Grumpster, capable of sucking the joy out of any day.

The boys acted out the scenes we had storyboarded, with Carter even taking a turn behind the camera for a few shots. My eldest also gave the video comic an added touch by drawing some images of Supermomma and the Grumpster to help move the plot along. Thanks to some timely tips from Zach Legend at last month’s BlogIN, we had a blast with iMovie on Saturday editing our gift to Mom. Archie makes his composing debut as well, with a short clip of his Garage Band song used as the soundtrack for a scene midway through the piece. It’s the first YouTube contribution I’ve ever made, a milestone that threatens to slow my dissertation given how easy it was to publish.

After uploading the video, I got sucked into a few other mother-themed clips. The two below were my favorites: comedian Rob Paravonian singing an all-to-honest chilrden’s song, and Barats and Bereta with their own Mother’s Day tribute.

To mothers everywhere, we hope you have a great day filled with afternoon naps, crooked ceramics, and the absolute best tasteless muffins grateful family can bake.

Rob Paravonian offers up a realistic children’s song.

The ultimate M-Day card: Barats and Bereta

By Kevin Makice

A Ph.D student in informatics at Indiana University, Kevin is rich in spirit. He wrestles and reads with his kids, does a hilarious Christian Slater imitation and lights up his wife's days. He thinks deeply about many things, including but not limited to basketball, politics, microblogging, parenting, online communities, complex systems and design theory. He didn't, however, think up this profile.