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Birth Order

Archie: Are we going to have another baby? Will it come from Aunt Meg?

Kevin: What?

Bedtime provides an opportunity for deep thoughts and life questions. Kevin handled a few of the trickier ones with grace the a few weeks back.

Archie dreams of existentialism
Archie dreams of existentialism

Archie: Are we going to have another baby?
Kevin: Well not at the moment. Maybe someday.
Archie: (after thinking for a while) Will it come from Aunt Meg?
Kevin: What?

Archie: How do babies get here?
Kevin: What do you mean?
Archie: Well, the first baby. (pause) Where did I come from?
Kevin: You came out of Mom.
Archie: Where did she come from?
Kevin: She came out of Nanna. Nanna came out of her mom, and she came out of her mom, and so on.
Archie: Where did you come from?
Kevin: I came out of Grammy. She came out of her mom.
Archie: But where did the first baby come from?
Kevin: That’s an interesting question. Some think God made the first baby, others might believe that we changed from other animals.
Archie: What do you believe?
Kevin: I believe that we’re part of a large continuum of life. That’s what I believe.
Archie: (after a pause) If I could ask God a question, I’d ask where he came from.


By Amy Makice

Amy Makice is a social worker actively working on two other family-centered projects, Creative Family Resources and Parenting for Humanity. Amy has a weekly online show on BlogTalkRadio.

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