BlogSchmog Conversations with Carter Creative Corner

The Blast

He flew into a small place near Roswell, New Mexico- a small place called Area 51 by many. He blasted through the roof of a secret underground base and everyone started running in circles yelling, “Alien, Alien!!! We have too many already!! Alien!!”

“Do not be alarmed. I am Barron Freeze of Solariun. I come in peace. . . ish.”

Around a week later, Barron Freeze returned to his underground laboratory. He took more blizzard serum, more black hole serum and more plasma serum and merged them together with his original mix. He zapped him his life-giving formula and the monster’s dead rock to his least favorite area: the cloudy dimension.

He walked into the main city with the bubble. The city had the bubble, not Barron Freeze. He ran in as fast as he could and tried to be unnoticed because he’s known as a criminal in every part of the universe, not just Solariun. He dove into a tunnel that led to a secret laboratory that he used when he lived in this dimension. He dumped the life-giving formula on the rock and it turned back into the creature.

He threw a giant crystal ball at one of the buildings and yelled, “GO!” and ran after the thing. It ate the crystal ball, but because of its speed it tumbled right into the building and the building melted straight down. The being was stunned because of the building incident so it didn’t try to stop and flew straight through another five buildings and as the molten metal flowed over the other buildings they melted down too due to the intense heat. Eventually, all the molten metal filled the entire glass bubble so the glass melted. It mixed together and enveloped the entire planet.

Barron Freeze commanded the creature to blast through the ground so he could take on the subterranean cities. They went through the tunnels and dove through the hole in the bottom that has always been there and always will be. If they were lucky and aimed right, then they would fall onto the roof of one of the subterranean buildings rather than falling all the way through to the jungle dimension. But before they could land, the being that was helping Barron Freeze land did something he never expected it would do: it belched.

Giant bubbles of plasma with ice swirling around them flew at the buildings and burned them down immediately and then froze the ashes. Then the creature rolled in the frozen ashes, pulverizing them with the giant spikes on his back, then accidentally biting one, getting a brain freeze, and in the process of trying to stop it melting all the ice on the frozen ashes so they were a fine black and white dust.

After seeing all this destruction, Barron Freeze remembered something. Fifty years ago, when he was five years old, experimenting in his father’s lab, he found a secret book with a formula for ultimate destruction of the universe. He threw it away and burned it up because he thought it was silly and no one would ever need to do that, but now, this fellow of fifty-five years old, figured he would now have the perfect reason to use it.

He commanded the creature to rearrange the diamonds on his back and it did, forming a saddle for Barron Freeze to ride in. They zoomed down through the jungle dimension into a subterranean jungle dimension, down, down, father, down as far as they could go until they made it to split-tree dimension. Split tree dimension was so close to the edge of the universe, which as everyone knows, has very many lightning storms, got struck down the middle with a lightning bolt which gave it the name Split Tree Dimension.

It looked like someone had carved the face of a skull into the split tree because of the unique knot holes. They dove into the tunnel in the ground until they were inside the split tree. They slowly and quietly walked over to the bed inside the split tree room where the oldest but most evil creature in the universe rested. They knocked on the wall and he woke up and said, “who goes there?”

“It is I, Master Zonn,” said Barron Freeze.

“NNHAKH” said the creature. It sounded like an Ostrich that just got stepped on during the time a duck was quacking.

Master Zonn got out of his bed and asked what they needed.

“We need a bag of Martian powder,” said Barron Freeze.

Being the only Martian left in the universe, Master Zonn was sure to have this. “How much do you desire,” asked Master Zonn.

“One cracken pound,” answered Barron Freeze.

Master Zonn, the 1/2 foot tall Martian hobbled into another room as if he was running away from an ostrich and came back very quickly with a bag of purple dust. “One cracken pound of Martian powder. Is there anything else you need?”

“I need one half cracken pound of crumbled Martian twigs.”

“I’ll go get that,” said Master Zonn as he hobbled even faster into another room and came back with a bag of crumbled up rainbow-colored twigs. “That will cost you 22 flezdrops,” said Master Zonn.

Barron Freeze reached into his pocket and gave the old Martian 22 fuzzy green balls. The old man went back to bed and Barron Freeze and his creature zoomed away to Dimension Gloom.

When they reached Dimension Gloom, they went to a small nomelish creature that was tending to a small garden next to his mushroom house. Being a very evil creature, this nomelish was sure to have what they wanted.

“Excuse me sir,” said Barron Freeze, “but can I have two gork-pounds of skull dust?”

“What kind of skull dust?” asked the nomelish creature that sounded like a distressed duck crossed with an ostrich.

“Grizzle dust, please” Barron Freeze answered.

“Two gork-pounds of grizzle dust, coming up.” THe nomelish creature came out with two bleached-white skulls with a whole bunch of ball-like things on the back side and above the eyes. The nomelish creature brought out a sledge hammer and slammed them down until they turned into a fine, whitish, greenish dust which he swept into two bags. “Two gork-pounds of grizzle skull dust,” said the nomelish creature.

“Thank-you,” said Barron Freeze, “I better be going now.” He jumped onto his being and flew out to a small strange planet full of one of the weirdest aliens in the universe. A small planet, third from the star-sun Sol. A small planet called Earth.

He flew into a small place near Roswell, New Mexico- a small place called Area 51 by many. He blasted through the roof of a secret underground base and everyone started running in circles yelling, “Alien, Alien!!! We have too many already!! Alien!!”

“Do not be alarmed. I am Barron Freeze of Solariun. I come in peace. . . ish.”

“What is it you want??” screamed the commanding officer.

“I need one Scrazian tooth and three Scrazian jellydrops.”

“Which aliens are the Scrazians? We just identify them by numbers.”

“Those.” Barron Freeze pointed over to a corner with three glass vials holding three ten-foot tall skinny brownish greenish aliens with multi-colored jelly-like drops all over them and three teeth on the tops and bottoms of their mouths. The general led him over there and took one of the teeth they were using for testing and one of the jellydrops and gave it to him.

“I said THREE jellydrops,” said Barron Freeze. Barron Freeze quickly pumped energy into his creature and it got bigger and bigger and meaner looking. It started snarling, which sounded now more like an ostrich using a microphone. The General gave him two more jellydrops and hid under the table. Then it happened.

The three Scrazians blasted out of their cages and everyone tumbled backwards due to the extreme force. Barron Freeze’s creature caught most of the blast in his wings, but because of that it blasted him backwards directly towards Solairun where he left a big crater on Barron Freeze’s lawn. They quickly went inside before anyone noticed and Barron Freeze gave his creature the death-giving formula and put his rock in a cage.