BlogSchmog Conversations with Carter Creative Corner

A Very Long Wait

While Baron Freeze and all the other villains were dancing on their disco floor, most of their evil pets and robots started dancing, too. And then their evil pets and robots started throwing them up in the air and slamming them down on the ground and all sorts of crazy pet moves.

While Baron Freeze and all the other villains were dancing on their disco floor, most of their evil pets and robots started dancing, too. And then their evil pets and robots started throwing them up in the air and slamming them down on the ground and all sorts of crazy pet moves. One of the villains went through the floor and had to climb back up the side of the Space Yachts. They took out their floating space cots and equipped them with all sorts of things to make them fall asleep faster. Baron Freeze was given a huge waterbed for coming up with such an ingenious plan. The others had large king-sized beds with lots of pillows and a pendulum in front of them to help them fall asleep faster. They all pressed buttons inside their Space Yachts and they all turned into a large Space Hotel at the edge of the universe. But when everyone else was asleep, one sly sneaky member of the Brotherhood of Barons, Baron Small, slunk out across his Space Yacht until he was inside. He pulled a small gadget out and ran across the disco floor until he got to the Edge of the Universe. His weapon appeared to be some kind of drill. He stuck it in the wall at the Edge of the Universe and turned it on. He leaped out the hole it made. He pulled a zipper off his coat and zipped up the Edge of the Universe.

As most people know, the Universe is a roundish but mostly shapeless blob of dark gray matter. Other universes are other colors and other shapes. Baron Small took off his boots, revealing small rockets, and he blasted himself to a pink pyramid-shaped universe that could fit a few of our universes inside of it. He used his drill thing to drill his way into there, and used his rockets to blast through the deep pink space until he came to a cube-shaped planet. As soon as he touched it, he lost his balance and fell down. He stood up and tried to walk across to a large jewel in the middle, but he lost his balance and fell down again. He pulled his way across the floor until he was five inches from the jewel. He stood up and leaped as far as he could, which isn’t very far, of course, because he is Baron Small, and was still about five inches away from the jewel. He scowled and leaped up in the air about a half centimeter and used his rockets to blast himself inside the jewel.

Inside the jewel was amazing, but he didn’t have much time to look at it because the jewel started to drill a hole into a large circular room inside the planet. Because it was so spherical, there was no floor. It was just a like being inside a big round ball, with a square outside. Inside was the most amazing sight he had ever seen. There were jewels covering every square inch of the room. He crashed his way through the jewel he was inside and pulled as hard as he could on a beautiful green jewel in the middle. It wouldn’t budge. His drill would budge anything, and he tried it and asked it how long it would take. The drill said it would take approximately five weeks. He left it there. He rocketed himself to the hole he had made in the pyramid-shaped universe. He flew through it and out across to our Universe. He unzipped it, went through the hole, zipped it back up and got back in bed right as everyone else was waking up.

Everyone asked why he was looking so gloomy, but he didn’t answer. He just sat on his bed for hours on end. Then, he jumped on his bed. He jumped on the bottom of his bed, and he jumped on the side of his bed, and he jumped on the headboard of his bed. He jumped on just about every part of the bed you can imagine. This was because he was very small, so the gravitational pull of his bed was stong enough to keep him on it. He waited for four weeks and was one day away from being five weeks when Baron Stupid came over and forgot which bed was his. He sat on Baron Small, which caused Baron Small to go through the bed and end up on the bottom. Baron Small then remarked, “I hate waiting.”